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Equity release calculator for second and holiday homes

Use our second/holiday home equity release calculator to see how much money you could release from a UK based second property or holiday home.

Second or holiday home equity release calculator

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Checked for accuracy and updated on 10 January 2025

Equity that's locked up in the value of your second or holiday home can now be accessed for any purpose by using equity release. Applying on a second/holiday home for some, may feel a safer alternative than releasing equity from their main residence.

Our second or holiday home equity release calculator will give you an understanding of how much you could borrow on a property that isn’t your main UK residence. Requiring no income checks, the amount borrowed is based on your age and property value.

Things to know about your results

The second/holiday home lifetime mortgage calculations are only for illustrative purposes and cannot be guaranteed. Interest rates are subject to change and can depend on location and how much capital is needed to meet your personal circumstances.

All results provided are calculated on a single life basis.
To understand the features, benefits and risks of a second/holiday home lifetime mortgage, please contact us and ask for your own individual, personalised illustration.